50 Weeks

I’m not even thinking about it. But he’s 50 weeks old. There are two pictures, because I really couldn’t decide which was cuter. The first one is adorable and angelic, but the second one is SO NINJA. 


This might be a bit of a short post. Classes have begun for me, so I’m in freak-out mode. I feel a lot better now that I’ve written everything down into my planner. For some reason just making a list helps me a lot. I’m definitely a list taker. And all of my lists start out with “Make a list”. Yep, I’m that person. 

New this week: spitting. Luckily, just water. He can really get some distance, though. Teaching him not to spit his water is very challenging after Grandma spent the last two days encouraging it by laughing her little behind off every time he did it!


Not quite new this week, but I got affirmation that his gas is indeed abnormal. The good news is, he’ll win every farting contest he ever enters into. He’s got the length, volume, and, most importantly, the smell. Seriously, he chased a grown man out of the room with the smell. It’s really horrendous. And he poots the WHOLE TIME I’m feeding him. I think he’s started using it as a defense mechanism. “You want me to sleep? Ha. I’m going to gas you out. Nobody can stand sitting next to this smell!” And he’s right. I start coughing, then he starts laughing, and he just never goes to sleep. Too bad they don’t track gas on those development charts. He’d definitely be at the top of the charts. 

Well, I have to go to Joann’s and get superhero supplies and then get groceries, and then somehow get all sorts of crap done for classes, so I leave you with pictures! Lots of playing with blocks. I have to stack them back up when he’s sleeping, because that’s the only time he’ll leave them alone. He likes to destroy from the bottom, that way they all fall on top of him. Then he body surfs on them until they’re all over the room (if I’m lucky, if I’m not lucky they’re all over the house). 

By themagnificentms

Keeping Grandma company


For some reason this closet fascinated him. He kept getting in, knocking on all the sides and floor, then reaching out and knocking on the room floor, then climbing out.



By themagnificentms


We’re at the hospital visiting grandma (don’t worry, nothing serious we think) and Mitchell has discovered the best noise ever.

At least the horrendous noise has distracted grandma! A bonus discovery was how it made a different sound in the closet.

By themagnificentms

Helping mommy in the kitchen

Mitchell is just such a good helper! He thought I needed powdered sugar for those cookies, and, to be honest, it probably couldn’t hurt. Sugar, in any form, makes everything better.


The dogs were only too happy to help with clean-up.

A few minutes later, just to prove a point I think, he did this:


But hey, he’s now pushing the vacuum around the house, so he does really help sometimes! (Don’t worry, the vacuum isn’t turned on.)

Had to edit this to add that Mitchell also made big strides today in shape sorting. He put the right shape in the right slot with absolutely no help from mommy! So that was a good thing to learn. Bad thing he learned today, he now knows how to open the basement door! He was very proud of himself. And he threw the mother of all temper tantrums when I moved him away from the door so I could install the safety lock that’s been sitting in the drawer for like 3 months. I’ve never seen him so angry. It didn’t help when he finally got back near the door and discovered he couldn’t open it. For that matter, neither could I. The lock came with installation instructions, but not instructions for use! Sometimes I think the safety lock manufacturers are just sitting in their offices laughing at all of us.

By themagnificentms

Sorting those shapes! And…development news!

It’s a sad day. Mitchell has been walking. Up until now, he’s just taken experimental steps, but nothing big. Today he started walking in earnest. He walked about four feet at the toy store. Twice. I guess his old womb buddy Harper inspired him.

Just to be clear, I’m not happy about this development.

But he also figured out shapes! Well, kinda.

By themagnificentms

49 Weeks

Mr. Man is 49 weeks old!



It’s getting way easier to tell when he’s done with his photo session.

3 more weeks, and there will be no more weekly photo sessions! I don’t know what I’m going to do. The only other excitement Mitchell and I see on Tuesdays is the trash truck, and that’s gotten a whole lot less exciting now that the county got a new trash truck and there are no more people to wave at.

Let’s see…new this week…not a lot. He’s still saying “dada” on command, as you can see in the previous post. He can say “mama”, but I think he thinks “mama” means “boobie” because he generally only says it when he’s begging to nurse.

I thought we had a gas leak, but it turns out it’s just Mitchell’s butt. Every time he poops, I think the gas leak must be over, but no. It just keeps right on going, morning, noon, and night. Loud ones, soft ones, long ones, short ones, but they’re all smelly. Like, horribly smelly. And he specializes in farting while nursing. Justin says I can’t complain because we all know where he got it.

He’s still experimenting with stacking, and he’s started trying to put shapes together (like with a shape sorter). As you can see, we have a ways to go with that. But hey, he’s trying!



He spent Saturday evening in Manhattan with Grandpa. Grandpa even changed his diaper! I was very impressed with that, but he admitted it was a bit of a traumatic experience for everyone involved. What can I say, the kid hates to hold still. I was still impressed with myself for letting my dad take him. If I’m a helicopter parent, my dad is the total and complete opposite. He’s the helicopter parent who hands the controls over to the kid for fun. It’s a BLAST hanging out with my dad when you’re a kid. But when he told me Mitchell almost got to the top of a very tall slide all by himself, I have to admit, I cringed. A lot. But he’s safe, healthy, and, above all, happy. I know Mitchell is going to love hanging out with Grandpa as he gets older, because Grandpas let you do all the cool things moms don’t. And I’m going to remember all the awesome things I got to do with my dad…and drink a tall glass of wine so I don’t think about what could possibly happen!

And…the pictures portion of the post!

New foods this week: vanilla pudding (that he fed himself, somewhat successfully) and green beans! At first he was trying to suck the green beans like a straw and was very confused. But he got the hang of it.

Also, the first few pictures are of him playing with the trike his great-grandpa made for his daddy when he was young (like…30 years ago. What an old man!). Funny story. The other day, we’d just gotten out of the shower. I put a diaper on Mitchell and left him in his room while I went to get dressed. Pretty soon I hear squeals of sheer joy, so of course I know something’s wrong. I run back in the room and find him standing up on the seat of the trike, shaking the handles and having the best time in the world. I run and get him down, but later brought the trike out to the living room and let him show his daddy what he could do. The camera was ready this time!

You’ll also see pictures of him “helping” in the kitchen. He likes to put the safety locks back on the cabinets, and he also loves helping me with the microwave. Yep. The microwave. Or the fridge. He loves the fridge, too. This is why Rachael Ray’s quick and easy 30 minute recipes have turned into one hour recipes for me if I’m lucky. And, of course, Justin and I are getting into this whole cooking thing and making more and more complex dinners, so it’s not unusual for me to be in the kitchen for two hours for one meal. I have this dream of becoming a chef and writing my own cookbook. All the recipes will come in stages of ten to fifteen minutes, because that seems to be the amount of time I can devote at once. Then I have to take a five minute break to redirect baby, change baby’s diaper, beat the dogs (just kidding…kind of), or whatever. There will also be recipes that don’t require any movement whatsoever, so moms won’t have to trip over twenty toys, a baby, two giant dogs, and whatever baking sheets or pans baby has strewn across her path.

By themagnificentms

It’s not fair!

This is Justin’s and Mitchell’s favorite thing right now, and it’s just not fair. He should be saying mommy! I’m doubling my efforts.

By themagnificentms

Mitchell vs. Laika

Mitchell and Laika have been arguing over this ball all day. Ok, I may be exaggerating, but they just keep passing it between themselves. If Laika sits it down, Mitchell takes it, and vice versa. Well, I head to bed tonight, and this is what I find:


I guess Mitchell wanted to make sure it’d be his tomorrow morning! I feel like they’re going to be great human/doggy siblings.

By themagnificentms

Fun in the bar

You may have your fancy college savings fund for your child, but meanwhile we’re training our child to steal your child’s money at bar games. He isn’t cooperating, though. He likes doing things like finding out what happens when the pool stick meets the tower of blocks.


He and Daddy had great fun building towers. Over and over again.





By themagnificentms