Loving Laika

Laika hasn’t been feeling very well lately, so it’s been all cuddle, all day. Which is a-ok with both of the littles.

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By themagnificentms

GAH they’re cute!

This little girl is just ADORABLE. And Mitchell is too. I’m screwed. Really screwed. I won’t ever be able to say no to either of these kids.

Trying to climb into the rocker:


Playing with Mommy: https://goo.gl/photos/fhAucPTPuBrDtcTEA

Maybe should’ve used a bib. But she loves vegetable soup!


Check out how much she looks like me as a baby in this one!


Even Mitchell thinks she’s adorable. He’s always hugging her and loving her. He’s discovered he can carry her, which is interesting.


One downside to the week has been a bit of a misunderstanding with Mitchell. So, Mitchell loves to roar. We roar a lot around here. We just run around roaring and chasing each other.


But I couldn’t figure out why he kept grabbing Rosie’s hands and making her cry. He wasn’t hurting her, but it was really annoying her and she kept crying about it. I kept telling him to quit doing that, and then finally I told him he’d have to go to time out if he did it again. So, I get him up on the time out stool and ask him if he knew why he was there. He told me it was because he grabbed Rosie’s hands. I said, “Yes, aaaaand…and you made her cry.” He looked completely offended and said, “No, I didn’t make her cry! I made her roar!” I couldn’t help it, I laughed. “Oh, honey, you aren’t making her roar, you’re making her CRY!”

Unfortunately, it’s an ongoing argument. He doesn’t grab her hands very much anymore (this happened a few days ago), but when she cries he still says she’s roaring. So, we’re working on it.

By themagnificentms

A little early Halloween fun

We did a test run with the costumes tonight. Mitchell’s going to be Daniel Tiger and Rosie’s going to be his little sister, Baby Margaret, but we had to use Tigger costumes because Daniel Tiger isn’t popular enough to have his own costume yet. Darn you, Disney channel, for taking everyone away from PBS! Anyway, we just tried on the Tigger costumes, and Mitchell’s THRILLED. He loves having Baby Margaret with him, since he now calls Rosie Baby Margaret anyway, and he loves having a tail. I’m pretty sure people are just going to be dumping their candy bowls into these kids’ buckets. No one can resist this adorableness.

Check out Mitchell and his tail: https://goo.gl/photos/hrr8wvH546zpSQ6b9


By themagnificentms

Baby it’s cold outside

Just joking. It’s REALLY nice here. Well, it’s a little chilly today, but all week was a gorgeous mid-70s, so we’ve been hanging outside a lot. Both of the littles love being outside. A lot of evenings Justin will take Mitchell outside while I cook dinner, and if he doesn’t take Roe, she stands at the back door yelling at them. Really, yelling, not crying. It’s half funny, and mostly sad. She’s still stuck in her walker outside. I thought we were making progress on not eating leaves, but I guess not. But she can wheel her walker about ten feet onto the grass now, so she deals with it for a little longer these days.

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By themagnificentms

Happy 9 months, Rosalynn!

Our little Rosalynn is nine months old (as of a couple days ago). I can’t believe it! Argh. She’s getting so big!


She had her 9 month check-up on Friday, complete with a flu shot. She’s now 27.5 inches (46th percentile) and 18 pounds 4 ounces (52nd percentile).The doctor said she’s completely up to par developmentally, so I guess it’s normal for 9 month olds to crawl all the way up the stairs and walk along couches. This is one of my favorite “her personality” pictures right now because if she isn’t smiling from ear to ear out of pride, she’s making this face:


She’s currently fighting off her first cold of the season. Her poor nose is so stuffed up. She’s pretty much only slept the last two days if she’s been propped up on my arm. See how I put those two sentences next to each other to imply that the first caused the second? I’m hoping the only reason she’s had such trouble sleeping is her nose, anyway. Or the teeth. She’s also teething. If she wasn’t also coughing, I’d assume the runny nose was just a side effect of the teething. But, no, she gets to deal with both.

She’s still obsessed with her big brother. Anywhere he goes, she goes. Anything he does, she does. She’s OBSESSED. He can make her smile just by entering the room. Sometimes he wants to make her go somewhere and seems to think he can just pull her along by the arm, so she doesn’t enjoy that. But otherwise, he does pretty well with her.

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She absolutely refuses baby food anymore. She even gets upset when she eats something that’s completely different than what we’re having. She wants to see me take it off my plate and put it on hers. Picky, picky. She seems to enjoy everything, though, so I guess I shouldn’t complain. She especially loves sharing my morning yogurt and she LOVES cornbread. She definitely has an appetite!

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This is one of my favorite pictures of her. Mostly because I never see myself in her, but I REALLY see myself in this expression of hers!


By themagnificentms

Don’t mess with Roe.

Rosie is stubborn, and she has a temper. This is nothing new. But she’s finally decided that she can do something about it.

Biggest rule of this house right now: DO NOT let her see food she can’t have. This includes snacks in spill proof containers.



DO NOT tell her the proper way of sitting in a chair.






She will prove you wrong, every time. Adorably, though. (When her devil teeth aren’t hurting her.)

By themagnificentms

A very busy weekend

We’ve had a very busy weekend around here! Saturday was spent at a Touch a Truck event in Beavercreek. Our family had the distinction of being the poorest family there. I spend way too much time looking at baby stuff, because I can very easily recognize each and every $600+ stroller that rolls by and $200 diaper bag.

But, lucky for us, rich neighborhoods host really great events. This event came with several fire trucks, a helicopter, a few ambulances, and other random things that kids find awesome. Mitchell is still repeating the sequence of events of Saturday: “I rode in helicopter (he didn’t, just sat in it), I drive fire truck, I shoot hose, I go in tunnel, helicopter flew away, and then came back!”






He was oddly insistent that the fire dog needed hugs, not high fives. The fire dog was a little caught off guard and it looked like an awkward bro hug at first, but he recovered quickly. Thankfully his face never changed expression.


And today, Fall Festival! It was great. A hay rack ride, a straw jump (jump into a pile of straw), a pumpkin patch, a pony ride, and he got to pet some calves and alpacas. There was lots more, but my mind is a complete blank right now. Did I mention it was a busy weekend?







And now, proof that I have two of the most adorable kids ever born. Even other people in line were going “Oh my gosh that is a perfect picture!” Why yes, strangers, my kids just took way cuter pictures than your kids can every hope to take. We win Fall Fest.



And finally, wearing his sunglasses like Daddy. And so proud of it!


By themagnificentms

Have I mentioned we’re food-motivated?

We might be a bit food-motivated around here. I have a near-obsession with food trucks, Mitchell’s love of snacks is no secret, and it seems Roe is following the trend. Since starting finger foods, she now just doesn’t believe that anything is off-limits. Last night, we went to Target. If you ask Mitchell, the only reason one visits Target is to eat popcorn. So he was in the basket of the cart, doing his thing, Rosie was in the seat, I turn away to pick a toothbrush to go with my cart full of candy, and look back to see this:


Yep, all the way around, begging for popcorn. I finally started fishing for pieces that didn’t have any kernel left and giving them to her. Don’t worry, I was pretty particular about which pieces I gave her. Lord knows I don’t want to have to give her the Heimlich again. Ever. That was terrifying.

Today, Mitchell dug one of his baby hats out of his outgrown pile and insisted on wearing it to the mall. Hi, Radar!


Rosie was THRILLED today because I let her get down and play with Mitchell at the play area.



She thought she was just hot stuff there. All the other parents were amazed that she was crawling and standing so well. I guess I’d just kinda forgotten the ages and stages. I’m just so used to seeing her crawl around that I figured it was the norm. Oh, and climb stairs. That’s right. She’s climbing stairs. Add a stair gate to the long list of crap we need now!


Another item on that list? A new keyless entry remote for my car. When Mitchell was a baby, he chewed on it so you had to push the unlock button just right to unlock it. Annoying, but still functional. Rosie got hold of it the other night and chewed it so that whenever the remote comes within range of the car, the alarm starts randomly going off and the only way to stop it is to hold the key in the passenger door in the unlock position until the system resets. Annoying and no longer functional. Meh. Kids. We’re never going to have nice things again!

By themagnificentms